Monday, July 8, 2013

Blog #1: From Scrawny To Brawny

Hi I'm Justin, See that scrawny pimply little kid right there -------------------------------> That's me. Yep believe it or not, 10th grade, I'd break a sweat if I even thought about having to break my way out of a wet paper bag. Although I did play sports growing up, I was a bit on the small side. I didn't eat very well either. Even though I did have good influences in my in my life via my family, with my my mom and dad always making sure I ate my fruit and veggies, meat and potatoes, drink my milk, and all that jazz. Like any other kid I wanted my soda, chips, cookies, hamburgers, pizza, and ice cream. Those are the 6 food groups right?
Little did I know I was killing my self with all the garbage. I felt like crap all the time and I didn't even know it. I just got used to it. I did play sports or was doing some sort of physical activity on a regular basis all my life. I even got into weight lifting while I was still in school and still ended up looking like this.--|
How did that happen? I began doing research into what it was that I was doing wrong, and what I found was that even though I would eat a good size meal I wasn't getting satisfied from the foods I was eating the way I was supposed to be. My research lead me to this one well known fact that most of the soils all across the western/ industrialized world have been completely depleted of its nutrients. That in combination with herbicides like glyphosate being sprayed on the foods, and foods being picked prior to its full maturity, are causing our foods to lack the nutrients our bodies are starving for. To compensate for the lack of nutrients our bodies tell us we need to continue eating until we can no long put any more food into our bodies. Once I learned this important fact I began to do research into what those nutrients we're missing are, what they do for us, and how to get them. Once I figured it out and started to replenish my body with these important nutrients, I felt stronger, got sick less frequently , and I got healthier over all. Now I am getting the nutrients my body needs not to just survive, but thrive, and I don't have to eat as much to be satisfied. Needless to say I did have to adjust my diet a little bit, but most important thing is that I am the healthiest I have ever been.
And it only took a few months. I have been motivated and inspired by the complements I received from those who know me I want to help others to become there best self too. I sought out to become a personal trainer, got certified to be a personal trainer, and now I am helping those who truly desire to better themselves as well. I am in the North Houston Texas area, and I want to help you in any way I can. If you want help developing a physical fitness program, a nutritional diet and supplement program that will aid you in developing your best self to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. I invite you to check out my website and contact me and we can work together in putting a program that best suits your needs.
My Mission
My mission is to empower you with the knowledge and awareness to increase the quality of your life with preventative illness practices through proper nutrition, supplementation and physical fitness.
Gideon’s Fitness Lab is unique because we customize a physical fitness, diet, and supplementation strategy that is unique to your life style and specific to your goals.
I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
~3 John 1:2
Your Inspiring Trainer